Supervising and Training Analysts

Applying to Become an SFCP Supervising Analyst

Note: Please contact SAC Chair Holly Gordon, DMH ( with any questions.

In order to apply to become an SFCP Supervising Analyst, you must meet the following requirements:

Supervising Analyst Appointment Requirements

  1. Be in good ethical standing.
  2. Be five years post-graduation from an APsaA or IPA institute.
  3. Be a member in good standing of SFCP and SFCP faculty.
  4. Show immersion, i.e., that one has conducted at least four analytic treatments at a frequency of at least three-to-five times per week over at least five years or comparable experience.  In addition, the analyst can attest to having a minimum of two cases which have started independently after graduation and experience with termination.
  5. Have a Supervising Analyst appointment at another APsA or IPA institute.
  6. If applicant does not have have a Supervising Analyst appointment at other APsA or IPA Institutes, they must demonstrate study of supervision via
    1. participation in an SFCP Supervision Study Group for one year (eight sessions) or
    2. equivalent experience (approved by the PED), for example:
      1. Attend a privately organized SA study group on supervision 
      2. Meet with a senior SA mentor for one year (8 sessions).
  7. If applicant does not have have a Supervising Analyst appointment at other APsA or IPA Institutes, they may either 1) attest to having presented supervisory work to an SA for at least three hours; OR 2) if they wish, applicants may elect to be appointed a Supervising Analyst Appointment Panel (SAAP) composed of two supervising analysts to present supervisory work to over two-to-three meetings.

Supervising Analyst Application Procedures

In order to become an SFCF Supervising Analyst, please download and complete the Supervising Analyst Appointment Application Microsoft Word document (download at this link) and email it to Tina Phu ( Once you have submitted this form, the next steps are:

  1. The SFCP Education Coordinator will forward your application to the Supervising Analyst Committee Chair, Holly Gordon.
  2. Applicants may either attest to having presented supervisory work to an SA for at least three hours, or; OR 2) if they wish, applicants may elect to be appointed a Supervising Analyst Appointment Panel (SAAP).
  3. If you elect to meet with an SAAP:
    1. committee composed of 2 Supervising Analysts, arranged by the SA Committee in collaboration with applicant
    2. 2-3 meetings arranged by the applicant’s SA Appointment Panel
    3. discussion of supervision experience, including presentation of a supervision
  4. Once the process is complete, the SA Chair will bring it to the PED Committee for approval.

Supervising Analyst Responsibilities

Supervising analyst responsibilities include:

  1. 2 years service on the Progressions & Graduation Committee (PGC)
  2. Completion of annual supervision reports for each candidate
  3. Participation in PGC meetings when supervisees are reviewed
  4. Attending one SA Discussion Group annually
  5. Participation every five years in professional development
    1. Supervising Analyst study group, or
    2. private supervision study group, or
    3. 1:1 peer study/consultation
    4. other activities as determined by the PED, such as
      1. mentoring a new SA
      2. participating on SA Appointment panels
  6. Biannual report of candidate supervision hours
  7. Quarterly report of available supervision hours
  8. Supervising Analysts commit to providing 1 hour of supervision per week and are encouraged to provide up to 4 hours.  Supervising Analysts who are also Training Analysts and have a candidate in a low fee training analysis are not required to provide the minimum weekly supervision. Since people’s practice hours differ, a guideline could be that TA/SA hours be 5-10% of their practice.
  9. Commitment to the Supervision Fee Policy, which establishes recommended guidelines for determining the fee a candidate pays for supervision.  As a set of recommended guidelines, it is understood that there may be unusual circumstances in which supervisor and candidate determine that an appropriate supervision fee would be lower or higher than the minimum and maximum listed in the guidelines. Supervision fees are arranged between supervisor and candidate based on the following guidelines:  the fee for supervision would be the same as the per session fee that the candidate’s analysand is paying, with a minimum supervision fee of $50 and a maximum fee of $150.
  10. Upon appointment, each Supervising Analyst will choose a Truth Speaker (must be a member of SFCP faculty) whom they would trust to speak to them if they were encountering some trouble functioning in their role as Supervising Analyst. The Supervising Analyst Chair maintains a confidential list of individual Truth Speakers for each Supervising Analyst and provides the Chair of the PED and the SFCP Ombudsman with current copies of this list.

Applying to Become an Adjunct Supervising Analyst

Note: Please contact SAC Chair Holly Gordon, DMH ( with any questions.

Criteria for Candidates to Request an Adjunct Supervising Analyst

A candidate may seek supervision for a control case from a Supervising Analyst not affiliated with SFCP when certain conditions exist:

  • An interest in working with a supervisor of a culture, race, ethnicity, or identity not represented in the SFCP Supervising faculty
  • An interest in working with a supervisor with a theoretical orientation not represented in the SFCP Supervising faculty
  • The candidate has been unable to find an available SA with interest or expertise in supervising a particular case

Approval to be an outside supervisor is for the specific candidate.  Once approved, the supervisor will be designated an Adjunct Supervising Analyst for the specific candidate only for the duration of the candidate’s supervision.

Criteria for Becoming an Adjunct Supervising Analyst

To be designated an Adjunct Supervising Analyst, a supervisor must

  • be a Supervising Analyst at an APsaA or IPA institute;
  • be Is a member of APsaA or IPA;
  • be in good ethical standing

Adjunct Supervising Analyst Application Procedures

  1. The candidate submits a request for an Adjunct Supervisor to the Supervising Analyst Committee (SAC) chair Holly Gordon, DMH (, with the following information:
    • Reason/s for seeking an outside supervisor
    • Name of supervisor
    • Supervisor’s institute affiliation/s
    • Supervisor’s SA status
  2. The Supervising Analyst Chair will reach out to request that the supervisor download the Adjunct Supervising Analyst Application (download at this link), complete it, and email it back to the Supervising Analyst Chair.
  3. The Supervising Analyst Committee reviews the request and the outside Supervising Analyst’s information and votes on approval. Once the process is complete, the SA Chair brings it to the PED Committee for approval.
  4. If the request is denied for any reason by the Supervising Analyst Committee, the candidate may appeal the decision by bringing it to the PED chair, who would then bring it for a vote to the PED.

Adjunct Supervising Analyst Responsibilities

Adjunct Supervising Analysts agree to:

  • charge fees based on SFCP guidelines for supervision fees;
  • review and provide feedback on the candidate’s initial and annual case summary;
  • complete an annual written evaluation that is shared with the candidate and PGC;
  • attend the candidate’s annual PGC review; and
  • attend the candidate’s PGC graduation review.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Psychoanalytic Education Division
2024 Psychoanalytic Training Informational Evening
Please join SFCP Faculty and Candidates for Dinner, Drinks, and a Discussion of Psychoanalytic Training at SFCP.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Graduate Paper Salon
Inaugural Event
Madeleine Lansky, MD (presenter); Henry Markman, MD (moderator)
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Scientific Meetings
BORN SMALL, ADDICTED TO GUILT: Psychoanalysis-informed treatment of self-identified addicts with special attention to underlying shame and guilt
Graeme Daniels, MFT (presenter); Susan Hamlin, LCSW (prefatory remarks)
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Dialogues in Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Enactment: Its Provocation by the Analyst
Robert Grossmarkm, PhD, ABPP (presenter); Julie Ruskin, PhD (moderator)
Sunday, November 17, 2024
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 1
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, November 23, 2024
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 1
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Scientific Meetings
Substance Abuse in an Adolescent Boy—Waking the Object
Mary Brady, PhD (presenter)
Thursday, December 12, 2024
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 1
David Luna, MBA, JD
Saturday, December 14, 2024
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conversations
SFCP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Conversations - Module 1
David Luna, MBA, JD
Wednesdays, January 8, 2025 to May 21, 2025
Extension Education Programs
2024-2025 Coalition for Clinical Social Work Extension Division Program: Foundations of Psychodynamic Clinical Work in Community Mental Health Settings - Year TWO
Sandra Gaspar, LMFT; Elizabeth M. Simpson, LCSW; and Danny Yu, LCSW (instructors)
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